Friday, March 27, 2020

Chemicals Free Response Questions - Questions to Know When Preparing For Your Exam

Chemicals Free Response Questions - Questions to Know When Preparing For Your ExamChemistry is considered as a critical part of college for all the students, it is always necessary to give the correct answers to these Chemistry free response questions in order to make sure that your scores are up to par. This is the reason why more students are giving up on this course, not because they have failed to get the desired scores, but because of some of the chemistry free response questions.There are many types of chemistry free response questions, and it is the responsibility of the student to get the best grades possible, irrespective of whether they pass or fail. Any student who has doubts about the correctness of his/her answers must first look at the list of the correct answers and then choose an answer from the list. A lot of the students get so confused, that they forget to look at the list of the questions, and thus the matter gets diluted.One of the common types of chemistry free response questions, is the one where the student has to provide the answer for a chemical reaction, so that he/she can get a perfect score. Other types of chemistry free response questions include those where the student has to explain the manner of transformation of a chemical compound, such as by oxidation, by reduction, etc. Some of the common methods of conversion include oxidation, reduction, addition, subtraction, addition of intermediates, and series by series conversion.All the basic equations required for each section of chemistry free response questions, are provided by the guide books and are just difficult to understand by the students. Hence, a lot of the students are unable to answer these questions correctly, which leads to a lot of frustration. The only way to avoid this is to keep your eyes open and be aware of the various forms of chemistry free response questions.The next thing that a student should remember, is that it is a complete course. You should get all the Chemistry free response questions to make sure that you get all the points in your favor. Keeping in mind these two points, you will be able to see how many points you get for each question, and that too, the right ones.The easiest way to answer such chemistry questions is to look at the list of all the questions, look at the right form, go through the questions, and solve the problems with your teacher's help. This helps you to focus on the difficult ones, as well as understand the difficulty level of the questions and hence gives you the time to prepare answers and look for appropriate solutions. A lot of students give up on the Chemical Engineering class, as they simply forget to go through all the questions and hence do not get the required points.A complete Chemical Engineering course should start with Chemistry, and hence it is vital to put in adequate amount of effort in the classes. Getting the required points in the exams is very important, as your mark may lead to the offe r of post-graduate studies in Chemistry. So, have the patience to take Chemistry test online for preparing yourself for the Chemical Engineering exam.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Short English Travel Vocabulary - English Words and Phrases related to Holidays

Short English Travel Vocabulary - English Words and Phrases related to Holidays Summer is a great time to travel. If you are planning to travel abroad this summer, our short English travel vocabulary can come in handy.Scroll down to watch a video lesson on Travel Phrasal Verbs. First things first, lets find out what is the difference between TRAVEL, TRIP, JOURNEY and TOURISM.TRAVEL is usually used as a verb.Ex. We had been travelling all day and were exhausted.We can also use TRAVEL as a noun, but only with a general meaning of moving from place to place.Ex. Foreign travel is very popular with students.JOURNEY is a noun. It is used when you talk about going from one particular place to another. It may be long or short.Ex. The journey from New York to Los Angeles took several days.I have a short journey to work each day.TRIP is used if you talk about the whole visit â€" the journey there and back, the place you stayed and so on.Ex. I’m going on a business trip next month. Did you have a good trip?We had a very successful trip although the journey back was terrible.TOURISM is the industry of business providing accommodation, transport and other services.ex. Tourism developed in Central America more slowly than in the nearby regions of the Caribbean and sout hern Mexico. Difference between Trip, Journey, Travel and Tourism Most of the times we BOOK our train or plane tickets in advance. We pay for a seat, a couchette, or berth in advance.BERTH bed in a boatCOUCHETTE bed in a train. For example, there are couchette coaches in Nightjet train which travels across Europe.COMPARTMENT a room on a trainFARE money paid for a journeyI personally like to TRAVEL LIGHT to travel with a very small amount of luggageEx. I always travel light. I only take hand luggage.LUGGAGE   baggage (suitcases, bags, etc)A RESERVATION  is when you have paid for something in advance. You can have a reservation for a hotel room, a flight, a train and so on.Ex. â€" Sorry, Sir. This hotel is full.â€" This is ridiculous. I have a reservation.In a hotel you may be offered a SINGLE ROOM (for one person) or a DOUBLE ROOM (with a bed for two people).Ex. I’m on my own, so a single room will be fine.My husband is meeting me later so I’d like a double room, please.If the room is EN-SUITE it means that there is a private bathroom and toilet that other guest cannot use.Ex. The rooms at the Palace Hotel are all en-suite so you can relax in your own bath. Don't keep this to yourself, share it with the world: If your hotel reservation is FULL BOARD it means that all your meals will be included. If it is HALF BOARD it includes your evening meal and breakfast, but not lunch.Ex. Peter had all his meals included in the cost of the hotel. It was full board.Some  hotels offer a COMPLIMENTARY (free, costing nothing) breakfast in the morning or free drinks and snacks in the lobby.Ex. Our guests receive welcome drinks and a complimentary fruit basket on arrival.  SUPLEMENTARY costing extra moneyEx. Breakfast is supplementary  and costs £15.When you arrive at the hotel you must CHECK IN and when you leave you CHECK OUT.Ex. On the day of your arrival at the hotel, please check in by 18.00.On the day of your departure, please check out by 10.00.You also check in when you are getting a flight at an airport. After that you may wait in the DEPARTURE LOUNGE, where only people who are getting on flights are allowed.Ex. Our flight was delayed so we had to wat in the departure lounge for a few hours.A STO POVER is when you are flying to one place but have a short break in your journey in another place.Ex. The flight to Sydney isn’t direct, there is a stopover in Singapore.A BACKPACK is a big bag that you carry on your back.TO BACKPACK means to travel for quite a long time, and very cheaply.Ex. If we don’t have much money perhaps we could backpack around Europe for a couple of months. Travel Phrasal Verbs - Video Lesson

How to take your italki tutoring to the next level

How to take your italki tutoring to the next level Chris Broholm runs a great blog called Actual Fluency. Its his way to research language learning but most importantly it is a way to tell the world that ANYONE CAN LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE. Hes currently taking the italki 2015 New Years Language Challenge to learn Russian and shared this great post that will help anyone taking the challenge or learning a new language. Original post here. In this post I’ll share a few ways you can take your iTalki tutoring to the next level, as well as give you an update on my Russian mission and iTalki New Year’s challenge. I’m currently 2.5 hours into my iTalki New Year’s Challenge to complete 20 hours of language tutoring in just 45 days. You can still join the challenge, but be quick as registration ends January 31st. The iTalki New Year’s challenge is going strong, and I’m really enjoying getting daily lessons. In today’s post I thought I’d give you an idea how my tutoring experience has evolved and also share some of the things I have found to be working really great. I’ll also share an actual recording from a recent session. You can hear me struggle, stumble and pause as I desperately try to speak Russian. In the second section of the post I will answer some questions that was written to me using the contact page. If you have any question about language learning, you are more than welcome to do the same! What’s changed in my tutoring Lenght of sessions A lot has changed in my tutoring since I began in autumn last year. First I discovered that 60 minute lessons were simply too long. After just 40 minutes my brain would begin to feel ready to explode, after having frantically searched every available cell for Russian words. By 50 minutes I could hardly say a thing, and by 60 minutes I was fried. I’m sure this is different from person to person, but after I switched to half-sessions twice as often I feel way better. 30 minutes seems like a perfect length for me but also for the kind of discussion I usually have with my teacher. Speed of the language After my extended break from Russian studies over the Christmas period I told my tutor that my goals for the iTalki Challenge would be to speak better and also be able to understand radio and television. I also asked if we could speed up the language a bit. Up until now she had been speaking very slowly, which was fantastic when I just started, but as I grew stronger in the language it was time to let go of the crutches! Now she speaks a lot faster. Nowhere near native-like speed, but a lot faster than last year. I can only recommend that you re-evaluate your goals with your tutor on a frequent basis. Also make sure to let him/her know if you have specific goals, so he/she can plan the sessions. A clearer  goal My tutoring sessions last year were great, don’t get me wrong. But they lacked the direction I was looking for, simply because I hadn’t told my tutor exactly what I wanted. I was being lazy and simply left it to her to plan each lesson. Since  I stepped up and asked my tutor to focus on the spoken language we’ve started working with Russian tv-shows. And man, is it challenging. They speak SO fast! The first show she had me watch, I literally struggled to understand 1 in 10 words. It’s getting better now with more and more exposure, but most importantly is that we work based on the episodes. She gives me questions for a section of an episode  and because this is my chosen goal, I work much harder to prepare for each session. Looking up words and preparing sentences. I didn’t do this last year. Often we don’t quite cover the questions because we often go off on tangents related to culture and other normal conversation topics. This makes me extremely confident that I’m on the right path towards conversational fluency. Listen to me in action! Here’s a brand-new tutoring session I had with my tutor this week. We were discussing this episode: Reader questions about tutoring These came in recently from a user, submitted via the contact page. You are always welcome to send me a message as well! I read every one of them. Do you recommend your tutor? My tutor Anastasia is fantastic. She has endless amounts of patience and has a lot of experience in tutoring on iTalki. You can count on her to prepare interesting materials before every lesson, and she always replied to my questions over Skype outside of lessons as well. She’s also great at adapting the lessons for my needs, as I explained above. On top of all her fee is very reasonable. What do you look for, when choosing a tutor on iTalki? The best indicator for me would be the user reviews tied to the teacher profile. Go in there and see the scores and also if students left actual text reviews. Although iTalki gives the students the option to leave a written review at the end of a session, most are too lazy to do it. So if you see good reviews across the board, it usually means the teacher is doing well. Experience with other languages, amount of lessons he/she has taught as well as diplomas are other indicators to look for when making your decision. Ultimately though it comes down to trial and error. Just because Anastasia works great for me, doesn’t mean that she is the best fit for you. iTalki offers you 3 trial lessons, which are discounted lessons so you can try out different tutors before you hire one for real. How often (and for how long) do you think one should take lessons there? As often as possible! Depending on your budget, schedule and goals in the language. I would just go for as many as that combination allows. My feeling is that you should aim to get at the VERY least a lesson per fortnight, but the more the better. You can’t take too many lessons. But I believe there is definitely a correlation between the quality of tutoring related to how far apart the lessons are, meaning that the longer you wait in between lessons, the more likely it is that you have forgotten things that you could have potentially refreshed, had you had a tutoring session earlier. Also by having more frequent lessons your general language learning is more focused, and you are more motivated because you are working towards a tangiable, upcoming goal. That’s it! 2.5 hours down, 17.5 hours to go! I hope you enjoyed my post on tutoring.  For more information on the topic I highly suggest Benny Lewis’ extensive article on it here: How to find the right teacher for online language lessons. How is your iTalki challenge going? Let me know in the comments below! How to take your italki tutoring to the next level Chris Broholm runs a great blog called Actual Fluency. Its his way to research language learning but most importantly it is a way to tell the world that ANYONE CAN LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE. Hes currently taking the italki 2015 New Years Language Challenge to learn Russian and shared this great post that will help anyone taking the challenge or learning a new language. Original post here. In this post I’ll share a few ways you can take your iTalki tutoring to the next level, as well as give you an update on my Russian mission and iTalki New Year’s challenge. I’m currently 2.5 hours into my iTalki New Year’s Challenge to complete 20 hours of language tutoring in just 45 days. You can still join the challenge, but be quick as registration ends January 31st. The iTalki New Year’s challenge is going strong, and I’m really enjoying getting daily lessons. In today’s post I thought I’d give you an idea how my tutoring experience has evolved and also share some of the things I have found to be working really great. I’ll also share an actual recording from a recent session. You can hear me struggle, stumble and pause as I desperately try to speak Russian. In the second section of the post I will answer some questions that was written to me using the contact page. If you have any question about language learning, you are more than welcome to do the same! What’s changed in my tutoring Lenght of sessions A lot has changed in my tutoring since I began in autumn last year. First I discovered that 60 minute lessons were simply too long. After just 40 minutes my brain would begin to feel ready to explode, after having frantically searched every available cell for Russian words. By 50 minutes I could hardly say a thing, and by 60 minutes I was fried. I’m sure this is different from person to person, but after I switched to half-sessions twice as often I feel way better. 30 minutes seems like a perfect length for me but also for the kind of discussion I usually have with my teacher. Speed of the language After my extended break from Russian studies over the Christmas period I told my tutor that my goals for the iTalki Challenge would be to speak better and also be able to understand radio and television. I also asked if we could speed up the language a bit. Up until now she had been speaking very slowly, which was fantastic when I just started, but as I grew stronger in the language it was time to let go of the crutches! Now she speaks a lot faster. Nowhere near native-like speed, but a lot faster than last year. I can only recommend that you re-evaluate your goals with your tutor on a frequent basis. Also make sure to let him/her know if you have specific goals, so he/she can plan the sessions. A clearer  goal My tutoring sessions last year were great, don’t get me wrong. But they lacked the direction I was looking for, simply because I hadn’t told my tutor exactly what I wanted. I was being lazy and simply left it to her to plan each lesson. Since  I stepped up and asked my tutor to focus on the spoken language we’ve started working with Russian tv-shows. And man, is it challenging. They speak SO fast! The first show she had me watch, I literally struggled to understand 1 in 10 words. It’s getting better now with more and more exposure, but most importantly is that we work based on the episodes. She gives me questions for a section of an episode  and because this is my chosen goal, I work much harder to prepare for each session. Looking up words and preparing sentences. I didn’t do this last year. Often we don’t quite cover the questions because we often go off on tangents related to culture and other normal conversation topics. This makes me extremely confident that I’m on the right path towards conversational fluency. Listen to me in action! Here’s a brand-new tutoring session I had with my tutor this week. We were discussing this episode: Reader questions about tutoring These came in recently from a user, submitted via the contact page. You are always welcome to send me a message as well! I read every one of them. Do you recommend your tutor? My tutor Anastasia is fantastic. She has endless amounts of patience and has a lot of experience in tutoring on iTalki. You can count on her to prepare interesting materials before every lesson, and she always replied to my questions over Skype outside of lessons as well. She’s also great at adapting the lessons for my needs, as I explained above. On top of all her fee is very reasonable. What do you look for, when choosing a tutor on iTalki? The best indicator for me would be the user reviews tied to the teacher profile. Go in there and see the scores and also if students left actual text reviews. Although iTalki gives the students the option to leave a written review at the end of a session, most are too lazy to do it. So if you see good reviews across the board, it usually means the teacher is doing well. Experience with other languages, amount of lessons he/she has taught as well as diplomas are other indicators to look for when making your decision. Ultimately though it comes down to trial and error. Just because Anastasia works great for me, doesn’t mean that she is the best fit for you. iTalki offers you 3 trial lessons, which are discounted lessons so you can try out different tutors before you hire one for real. How often (and for how long) do you think one should take lessons there? As often as possible! Depending on your budget, schedule and goals in the language. I would just go for as many as that combination allows. My feeling is that you should aim to get at the VERY least a lesson per fortnight, but the more the better. You can’t take too many lessons. But I believe there is definitely a correlation between the quality of tutoring related to how far apart the lessons are, meaning that the longer you wait in between lessons, the more likely it is that you have forgotten things that you could have potentially refreshed, had you had a tutoring session earlier. Also by having more frequent lessons your general language learning is more focused, and you are more motivated because you are working towards a tangiable, upcoming goal. That’s it! 2.5 hours down, 17.5 hours to go! I hope you enjoyed my post on tutoring.  For more information on the topic I highly suggest Benny Lewis’ extensive article on it here: How to find the right teacher for online language lessons. How is your iTalki challenge going? Let me know in the comments below!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Get Along Better With Coworkers

How to Get Along Better With Coworkers Image via 1. Have a solid foundation of respect Regardless of how close or distant you are with your coworker, you need to respect one another in order to be productive in the workplace and in your relationships. There are countless ways of being respectful in the workplace, including: Completing your own workload and not slacking. Who wants a coworker that slacks and makes everyone else make up for their lack of productivity and initiative? No one. Make sure you are doing your job, as leaving your duties to other coworkers is disrespectful and unproductive. Recognize personal space, boundaries, and belongings. If each coworker has their own cubicle, you dont want to needlessly intrude for things that arent work-related just to keep them from their own work. Or, if they have their personal belongings like food in a shared space, do not feel free to help yourself. Listening to them when they say no after you display certain behavior or discuss a certain topic. You may think nothing of asking a certain question, but to someone else, it can be seen invasive or on a topic that is traumatic to them. Respect when a coworker asks you not bring something up again, or not to a certain action again. Treat your coworkers how you would like to be treated, and remember that at the end of the day, you are all at the workplace to complete a job. 2. Dont partake in toxic behavior   Your efforts in getting along with your coworkers can easily be ruined when you do something to offend your coworkers, even if you believe you are doing little to no harm. Toxic behavior can be something as small as letting something offensive slip to spreading around a secret/rumor that you have no right to be spreading. Here are some examples of what you should back from doing in the workplace: Bringing up controversial topics. While you may want to be converse freely with your coworkers, try to steer clear of controversial topics like religion and politics in your daily discussions as they can bring up unwarranted debates and can have some coworkers avoiding each other to conflicting beliefs they did not know about previously. Spreading rumors or secrets. Its human to want to be well-liked by others, but you should not put others in harms way as a result. If a coworker tells you something during a venting session, they certainly will not expect you to turn around and say it to someone else. Do not use good information for your own social gains. Not only can it make coworkers trust you less, but it can also get you fired if it escalates. Exclude anyone for no reason. Although cliques may come out of a workplace almost naturally, do not take part in purposely excluding a coworker or two for no reason just to fit in with others. Just imagine if you were the one being excluded, you definitely do not want to be the one behind making someone feel that way. 2. Dont rush a relationship Relationships do not bloom overnight, and this is especially true with workplace relationships. You are at work to work, and of course, you would want to make being at work more pleasant by getting along with your coworkers. Dont be disappointed when you arent invited to join a coworker every time lunch rolls around, or if a coworker says no to an invitation to dinner after work. Start out slow be friendly to the coworkers you interact with and even if you do not have time to have a full-blown conversation in passing, acknowledge them with a greeting or smile. If you are heading out to lunch at the same time, try taking initiative and asking them to join you for lunch. If they say no, respectfully carry on your own way without bugging them to change their mind because maybe they really needed alone time or arent comfortable enough yet. Spending so much of your time at work can be seen as a bummer, but getting along with your coworker can improve how you feel about coming into work every day.

Transferable Skills How Part-Time Experience Lands The Career

Transferable Skills How Part-Time Experience Lands The Career Image by genie_solution via Flickr. Transferable skills may, in fact, be even more important than specialized skills in some fields. A case study conducted by Petia Petrova and Dorota Ujma, University of Luton, took a survey amongst undergraduate students studying tourism, asking them which skills they perceived as essential to landing a career in the tourism industry.  The result? The majority of respondents (68%) stated that their specialized knowledge of the tourism industry would prove advantageous to them in securing employment in the industry yet such knowledge is regarded by tourism and hospitality employers as being much less important in comparison to other skills (Baum 1995; Li and Kivela 1998; Petrova and Mason 2005b). The study goes on to state that the majority of skills at the top of their most-wanted list included those that fall into the general intellect categorynamely effective communication and problem-solving skills. This shows that employers look for a wide range of transferable skills as a base for potential employees, before they even consider the technical details. So how can you showcase these skills? Identify Your Skill Set The first step to using transferable skills is to identify them. Nothing may come to mind at first, but Dawn Clare, a career and life coach, said in an article, to evaluate your whole life, not just professional experiences. This requires you to look not only at previous employments, but also at any activities where you contributed or held some type of responsibility. This can even include certain projects you participated in at your university, or even sports you played. Going back to the server example, we can see that previously-deemed simple tasks can be used as valuable skills. The task of explaining the menu to the customer becomes an interpersonal communication skill and the additional suggested menu options become sales experience.  In the same sense, organizing your churchs potluck dinner gives you leadership, inventory and management skills. Show Transferable Skills On Your Resume Jamie Yasko-Mangum, a self-image and training consultant and owner of Successful Style Image Inc., stated on Career Builder, to organize your resume by skill area or accomplishments rather than chronologically or functionally. Categorize all applicable skills, highlights and experiences and group them in categories such as professional highlights, skills summary and professional experience and place them at the top of your resume, he said. This type of organization puts your experiences first and shows how they apply to the current position, instead of merely listing your previous education or background, which may not immediately provide you with the skills for the job the employer is looking for. Highlight Achievements When the time for the interview dawns, be sure to highlight achievements you have made in any project, job or assignment through the use of these skills. For example, show what you can bring to the company by highlighting an instance where you brought an original idea or concept to a group, or how you solved a problem. Dont be afraid to reference projects you performed in school if you feel youre running short on relevant experience, either. For specialized guidance on how you can implement these transferable skills, visit Cambridge Universitys Key Transferable Skills webpage. Transferable skills can be found virtually anywhere you look regarding your past experiences; its simply a matter of looking behind the action youre performing and asking yourself what skill is necessary for you to perform it. Before long, youll have a list of skills to rival any robot. Run your own business, get control of your future, make an impact on your life. To learn more about College Pro, click here or call 1-888-277-7962.

What Tutoring Del Norte Has To Offer

What Tutoring Del Norte Has To OfferTutoring at Del Norte College is something you are going to want to look into. It is really the best way to take your education to the next level and give yourself the best chance of getting that job that you are trying to get. If you have a weak understanding of what it takes to succeed in the workplace, you are not alone.The best way to prepare for the job market is to study what tutoring Del Norte College has to offer. You can really use tutoring services to develop the tools that you need to succeed. At Del Norte, there are tutors available on campus and in the school office to help you along the way. You will find that if you apply yourself to the proper study materials and study habits, you will be ready to work on and with a high school level of knowledge.One of the great things about Del Norte is that they offer a variety of options for tutoring programs. You are going to find there are learning centers that offer the time and attention you need to learn. These tutors will teach you some of the basic skills and knowledge that you will need to succeed in the workforce.There are also private tutoring services at Del Norte that you can take advantage of. These tutors will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the education system, and the best way to go about finding this type of help is to consult with someone who works with tutors regularly.Most colleges and universities offer tutoring services to help those students who need extra help. In Del Norte, you will find many tutors that will be able to help you through some of the most challenging areas in your education.Tutoring at Del Norte is something that you want to look into so that you can get yourself prepared for life after college. After college, you will be ready to move up and take that next step in your career.You will find that if you apply yourself to the right tools, you will get a better education. You may not know it but there are several im portant subjects that you will need to learn and become more successful in life. Working on your strengths and learning new information is going to give you the best chance to succeed in the workplace.

Tips For Finding a Chemistry Tutor

Tips For Finding a Chemistry TutorDo you want to learn the fundamentals of science through an online course, but don't know how to find a reliable chemistry tutor? Well, I have good news for you, you don't have to worry about it at all.If you are looking for a good online chemistry tutor in Portland Oregon, then this article is the right one for you. We will be discussing some of the things that you need to keep in mind, before you start looking for such a tutor. You see, the main issue here is, if you are looking for a very specific chemistry tutor, then you have to first find out what you want and then do a search to get the right ones for you.First of all, the first thing that you need to check is the basic information about the tutors. You need to check their bio pages and background information. This will give you a pretty good idea about the person. After this, you will have to look at their samples and check them on how they will be doing your work for you.The next thing that you will have to check is, the topics that are being taught by them, and the way that they are teaching them in the online courses. The best chemistry tutor in Portland Oregon will be the one who can teach you the whole subject in a very simple manner. After all, this is the only way that you can have an easy time when it comes to learning it.In addition, you need to look at the number of active participants on their website. You see, if they have a very small number of participants, then chances are, they won't be very effective in giving you the information that you are looking for.Last but not least, you need to check their payment method. In most cases, paying by installments will be a better option for you, as the last thing that you need in such a situation is to run after someone to give you the money.Thus, we have discussed the basics of what to look for, before you actually start looking for a new subject, such as a new one in chemistry. It should be a positive experience f or you.